Shop-4- Airsoft 5 Gun Package P1200 Sniper + Shotgun + 2 Pistols + Uzi + 6mm Bbs

Shop-4- Airsoft 5 Gun Package P1200 Sniper + Shotgun + 2 Pistols + Uzi + 6mm Bbs

Best Noon Legends guns: Flavour eleven gun tier list and weapon stats

Ranking the best guns in Apex Legends with full Season xi weapon stats

A render of the CAR SMG in Apex Legends.

What are the best guns in Apex Legends Flavor 11? The array of weapons in Respawn's frenetic Battle Royale merely gets larger every Season, with a total now of 28 weapons all battling for dominance in Season 11. The most contempo addition to the Apex Legends weapons armory is the versatile CAR SMG, which tin can toggle between Light and Heavy Ammo at the affect of a push - but is it strong plenty to shake up the weapon meta in Apex Legends Escape?

Below you'll detect our tier list of the best Apex Legends guns for Season xi, along with detailed stat tables filled with impairment profiles, fire rates, and reload times for every weapon in the game. So if you're looking to proceeds a proper understanding of how the different guns stack upward against one another with the latest changes in place, you're in the correct place.

On this page:

  • Apex Legends best guns tier list
  • Noon Legends weapon stats
  • Set on Rifles
  • SMGs
  • LMGs
  • Marksman
  • Snipers
  • Shotguns
  • Pistols
  • Noon Legends weapons - often asked questions

Apex Legends best guns tier listing

Here is our tier list of the best guns in Noon Legends Season 11:

  • SS-Tier (Care Bundle): Alternator, G7 Scout, Kraber, Spitfire
  • S-Tier: Machine, EVA-8, Flatline, L-Star, R-301 Carbine, R-99, Rampage
  • A-Tier: Bocek Bow, Charge Rifle, Peacekeeper, Prowler, Volt, Wingman
  • B-Tier: Havoc, Mastiff, Sentinel, Wingman
  • C-Tier: RE-45, Devotion, Hemlok, Longbow, Triple Take
  • D-Tier: 30-xxx Repeater, Mozambique, P2020

There's a lot to empathise about the different guns in Apex Legends. Sometimes a gun might exist very mediocre until information technology receives a certain attachment, later which it becomes i of the best guns in the game. So take this tier list with a pinch of common salt, but if you're a newer role player then permit this tier list inform your decisions until yous know enough to make more than nuanced choices.

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Apex Legends weapon stats

Below you'll find tables of up-to-date weapon stats for all the different types of Apex Legends guns.

Click on a gun's proper name for more detailed stats.

Note: Damage is given in the form of Head SMG/Body DMG/Leg DMG in the below tables, and in the Reload cavalcade you'll see speeds for both not-empty and empty reloads.

Assault Rifles - Noon Legends weapon stats

Name Ammo Damage DPS RPM Mag Size Reload
Flatline Heavy 33/19/xiv 190 600 20/25/28/30 ii.4s/iii.1s
Havoc Free energy 32/xviii/xiv 198 672 24/28/32/36 3.2s/3.2s
Hemlok Heavy 35/20/15 214 643 18/24/27/30 two.4s/2.85s
R-301 Carbine Light 25/14/11 190 816 18/20/25/28 2.4s/iii.2s

Overall the best Assault Rifle in Apex Legends is the R-301 Carbine in my stance, simply because it is so amazingly authentic that the greater number of bullets hit outweighs its lower DPS. Simply all four Assault Rifles are extremely stiff guns in Flavour 11, so you can happily take any of these weapons to the endgame of a friction match.

SMGs - Apex Legends weapon stats

Name Ammo Damage DPS RPM Mag Size Reload
CAR Light/Heavy xx/13/10 202 930 xx/22/24/27 1.7s/2.13s
Alternator Unique 24/16/13 160 600 27 i.9s/2.23s
Prowler Heavy 23/15/12 171 685 xx/25/xxx/35 2.0s/2.6s
R-99 Calorie-free 17/xi/9 198 1,080 20/22/24/27 1.8s/2.45s
Volt Energy 23/15/12 180 720 nineteen/21/23/26 one.6s/2.25s

The best SMG in the game correct now is the Alternator. Nowadays the Alternator has taken the Prowler's place in the Care Package and comes with the infamous Disruptor Rounds event built in, which allows it to deal 40% greater damage to shielded enemies. This once lowly SMG is a terrifying force in Season 11, simply equally it was in Flavor 10.

Just in all honesty, every SMG is incredibly powerful in the electric current meta. A Prowler, R-99, Volt, or the versatile and powerful new CAR SMG can happily see you to the finish of a match. Pick the SMG that yous feel near comfortable with, and that you're likely to hitting the most shots with.

LMGs - Apex Legends weapon stats

Proper name Ammo Harm DPS RPM Mag Size Reload
Devotion Energy 28/16/14 240 900 36/40/44/48 2.8s/3.63s
L-Star Energy 30/17/14 170 600 ~23/~25/~27/~29 i.15s/ii.45s
Rampage Heavy 49/28/24 140 300 28/32/34/40 2.3s/iii.0s
Spitfire Unique 32/18/15 162 540 55 3.2s/iii.8s

The best LMG in Apex Legends is the Spitfire, as it has been in previous seasons thanks to its loftier damage and farthermost mag size. But coming close to matching information technology on the floor loot is the Rampage, which deals phenomenal damage per shot, is very controllable, and can be charged with a Thermite Grenade for a magazine filled with some of the highest DPS in the game.

Marksman - Apex Legends weapon stats

Proper name Ammo Damage DPS RPM Mag Size Reload
30-xxx Repeater Heavy 74/42/36 98 140 6/viii/10/12 0.6s/bullet
Bocek Bow Arrows 105/60/54 69 69 N/A N/A
G7 Scout Unique 63/36/27 144 240 20 ii.4s/iii.0s
Triple Accept Energy 138/69/63 90 78 6/seven/8/ix 2.6s/3.4s

Marksman weapons accept had quite the shakeup in Flavor 11. The Triple Accept is no longer Intendance Package boodle, and taking its place is the G7 Lookout, which is more powerful than ever before and definitely our option for the best Marksman Burglarize in Noon Legends right now cheers to its fast fire rate and reliability.

Only let'southward not forget about the e'er-powerful Bocek Bow, which can absolutely ruin enemies as long every bit yous can bargain with its slightly unintuitive firing mechanic.

Snipers - Noon Legends weapon stats

Proper noun Ammo Damage DPS RPM Mag Size Reload
Accuse Burglarize Sniper 56/45/45 (+45) 23 (+23) 30 eight three.6s/3.6s
Kraber Unique 435/145/116 87 36 four iii.2s/4.3s
Longbow Sniper 118/55/44 71.5 78 6/8/10/12 2.66s/3.66s
Spotter Sniper 140/seventy/63 xl 37.5 iv/5/6/7 2.5s/three.6s

Obviously, the all-time Sniper Rifle in Apex Legends is the Kraber. This Care Bundle-exclusive beast is the simply gun that can one-shot any actor with a headshot, no matter their health or gear. A veritable fight-ender.

But outside of Care Packages, the best Sniper is probably the Charge Rifle, just almost beating the Sentry thank you to its hitscan beam and low attachment requirements.

Shotguns - Apex Legends weapon stats

Name Ammo Damage DPS RPM Mag Size Reload
EVA-8 Shotgun 99/63/63 126 120 viii ii.75s/3.0s
Peacekeeper Shotgun 129/99/79 96 58 5 2.5s/3.5s
Mastiff Shotgun 112/88/88 96.8 66 6 1.03s/1.7s
Mozambique Shotgun 69/45/42 135 180 6 two.1s/two.6s

The best Shotgun in Season eleven of Noon Legends is the Peacekeeper thanks to its tremendous one shot damage potential, just information technology'southward a very tough telephone call between that and the faster-firing EVA-viii. Both are more than capable of winning challenging close-quarters engagements, particularly if you find some hard encompass to dance around.

Pistols - Apex Legends weapon stats

Proper noun Ammo Harm DPS RPM Mag Size Reload
P2020 Light 27/eighteen/16 126 420 xiv/sixteen/xviii/21 1.25s/1.25s
RE-45 Low-cal xviii/12/11 150 750 sixteen/nineteen/22/25 ane.5s/1.95s
Wingman Heavy 97/45/41 117 156 6/7/viii/9 ii.1s/2.1s

The best Pistol in Noon Legends is the Wingman, equally information technology more or less always has been. This punchy hand cannon deals very loftier damage per shot. It's extremely ammo-efficient. And information technology doesn't crave attachments to be cracking.

Apex Legends weapons - frequently asked questions

Weapons and bullets in Apex Legends work a little differently from other boxing royale games such as PUBG and Fortnite. I know lots of new players are going to be asking the below questions, so I'll just go through them speedily now:

  • Are any of the guns hitscan? - Just the Charge Burglarize beam. All other projectiles have travel time.
  • Is there bullet drib? - Yes. The corporeality of drop is based on the bullet speed of each weapon. Energy weapons have the lowest drib, Calorie-free weapons (and the Bocek Bow) the highest.
  • Is in that location harm drib-off? - But the Accuse Rifle beam. However, in that location is a different max headshot range for each weapon, beyond which a headshot will no longer deal bonus headshot harm.
  • Does each gun have a predictable spray pattern? - Yes. Spend time learning the spray patterns of each gun in the Firing Range, it'll seriously assistance you in fights.
  • Is there aim migrate? - Yeah. There'south a brief moment of stillness when start ADSing, after which you'll beginning to migrate. Equipping Stock attachments minimizes aim drift. For more info, check out our Apex Legends attachments folio.
  • Practise different guns impact motility speed? - Yes, but only while ADSing. Without ADSing your gun has no bearing on your run speed. Merely when ADSing, your movement will be reduced based on the form of gun you're holding.
  • Does taking damage slow you down? - Yes. Taking impairment from whatever weapon (not just a Heavy Rounds weapon, which many players seem to believe is the example) will cause a brief slowdown. Only Legends with the "Fortified" Passive (Gibraltar and Caustic) are immune to this slowdown.

That wraps upwardly our guide to the best weapons in Noon Legends equally of Flavor xi. Now why not round off this knowledge by perusing our guide to the dissimilar Noon Legends characters on offer?


Shop-4- Airsoft 5 Gun Package P1200 Sniper + Shotgun + 2 Pistols + Uzi + 6mm Bbs

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